Day 1 AgendaDay 2 Agenda
8:00 - 9:00Arrival & Continental Breakfast8:00 - 9:00Arrival & Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:05Kickoff & Emcee9:00 - 9:45Virtual Panel: Benoit Clement of Verra
9:05 - 9:35Opening Keynote: Kevin Owocki of SuperModular9:45 - 9:50Kickoff & Emcee
9:45 - 10:30Panel: Carbon Innovation10:00 - 10:45Opening Keynote: Xochitl Cazador of Celo
10:45 - 11:30Panel: Energy Innovation11:00 - 11:45Panel: MRV Innovation
11:40 - 12:30Presentations: Solana | Hedera | AirMiners11:55 - 12:30Presentations: Mast | Seeed Studio
12:30 - 14:30Working Lunch: Unconference Workshops & ReFi Coding Workshops including Regenerative AI and Filecoin12:30 - 14:30Working Lunch: Unconference Workshops & ReFi Coding Workshops including Nori and Endoament
14:45 - 15:30Panel: VC & Fundraising14:45 - 15:30Presentations: Blockchain Laboratories | Solid World
15:45 - 16:15Panel: Governance15:45 - 16:30Panel: RWA Innovation
16:30 - 17:15Closing Keynote: Sunny Lu of veChain16:30 - 17:15Closing Keynote: Rex St. John
17:15Closing Remarks17:15Closing Remarks
17:15 - 19:00BranchOut BioChar Beach Bash || Regen Network Happy Hour @ Ballard Beer Company17:30 - 19:00Post-Event Meetup: Spectrum (TBA)
19:00 - 22:00Event Reception at Dockside at Duke's - sponsored by Celo and Endaoment

Unconferences (12:30pm-2:30pm both days in Main Hall)

Workshop TopicWorkshop Leader(s)
Impact DAOsDeepa
Ecosystem MappingSev Nightingale
Redeeming Carbon Credits with Toucan on CeloNestor Bonilla

Coding Workshops (12:30pm-2:30pm both days in Norna Room)

WhoWhat When
Yohei NakajimaRegenerative AIDay 1: 12:40pm - 1:30pm
FilecoinDecarbonize Your Travel to the ReFi SummitDay 1: 1:40pm - 2:30pm
NoriNori Smart ContractsDay 2: 12:40pm - 1:30pm
EndaomentBuilding for Impact with Endaoment: An Interactive Workshop in On-Chain PhilanthropyDay 2: 1:40pm - 2:30pm

Branch Out Biochar Beach Bash (Offsite at Golden Gardens Park)


Golden Gardens Park
DistanceFrom the conference hall: 10 min drive; 15 min bike; 30 min bus; 1 hr walk;
Time range5/24-27 @ 4PM-10PM

We are leaving open this time range for now, with community interest helping us determine a final schedule. Our current unfinalized plan is to arrive and reserve a campfire at 4PM and leave at or before 10PM on at least two of these days.

  • There are a dozen campfires at the beach! It's a public common space. You can join Branch Out at ours or start your own depending on availability.

  • ~Please follow park rules re: fire safety!

Info from Seattle Gov's Park Website: "Fire pits at Golden Gardens are unlocked at 4 p.m. each day. Please light a fire ONLY in designated fire pits, available on a first-come, first-served basis. Burn only clean firewood (NO pallets please!), and douse your fire completely before you leave. Acceptable firewood is natural, bare, clean, dry cord-wood. It's against the law and it's unhealthy to burn yard waste, wood with nails or paint, refined lumber of any kind (whether treated or not), construction debris, or anything else one would burn just to dispose of it."

  • We will be sharing our method of making biochar and inviting anyone who would like to make it with us to try it out.

  • We will be supplying wood for anyone who would like to make char as well as bags if you would like to take some home with you!

  • The method we are using is best suited for small-scale biochar production for personal use, composting, and educational purposes. While hanging out at a campfire!
  • Please join us in sharing biochar knowledge! We are planning to convene a workgroup at the conference.

  • We will be freely distributing written biochar educational materials for anyone who's interested.

On Site Food Trucks

Wednesday: Carver’s Kitchen Shawarma –

Thursday: Momo’s Kebab –